Sep 3 – 5, 2024
Europe/Rome timezone

Pecha Kucha and Poster Prize Winners 2024

PechaKucha Best Overall Presentation:

Garance Durr-Legoupil-Nicoud --- Detachment of TCV L-mode Negative Triangularity plasmas: Impurtiy seeding and effect of divertor closure


PechaKucha Most Engaging Presentation:   

Lovepreet Singh --- Benign termination of Runaway Electrons in JET


PechaKucha Best Looking Presentation:  

Willem Rutten --- A Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization framework for stellarator conceptual design


PechaKucha Best Explanation of Research Presentation: 

Matteo Gambrioli --- Investigation of intrisic error fields in MAST-U device


PechaKucha Most Unique Presentation:  

Jacopo Lombardo --- TRANSP analysis of JET baseline scenario DTE2 and DTE3



Best Overall Poster: 

Elisabetta Bray --- Analysis of the impurity accumulation in AUG during experiments with a liquid Sn module using Aurora and FACIT


Best Poster Design:  

Roxána Takács ---The isotope dependence of the ASDEX Upgrade pedestal structure


Most Unique Poster:  

Anete Stine Teimane --- Investigating Tritium Interactions with Fusion Materials


Special Double Category Prize:  

Cecilia Piatti --- Investigation of the use of Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces in the cooling of gyrotron resonant cavities