October 2, 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Educational resources

Here you can find information regarding the education material made for the teacher day! During the Education Session, the educational materials will be presented and discussed. The material will be made freely available on the FuseNet website after the event.

The goal of the material is to provide teachers with several full ready-to-use lessons (of 15-45 min each) in fusion. The material features 5 chapters and the material of each chapter will consist of:

  • A student reader
  • A teacher's manual
  • Presentation slides
  • Interesting websites, links, apps, videos and more

The student reader will function as a small secondary school textbook on fusion. In the reader the theory will be explained and it will feature exercises to test students' knowledge on the topic. 

The teacher's manual will feature lesson ideas, highlight difficult concepts and contain the answers to the exercises.

The presentation slides for each chapter will feature clear visuals to help explain the topic and theory to students.

Interesting websites, links, apps, videos and more that are collected by FuseNet will be featured in the material to help spread enthusiasm about fusion.

The material is divided into the following chapters: 

  1. Fusion basics
  2. History of fusion
  3. Fusion technologies
  4. Fusion materials
  5. Fusion in context: the energy system

Chapter 1 will treat all necessary background knowledge and feature the basics of nuclear fusion. The other chapters expand on Chapter 1 with a focus on a particular area of fusion. Chapters 2-5 can be treated in any order.