23–24 Nov 2020
Europe/Paris timezone

Side sessions

Side sessions

In two time slots, interactive discussion sessions are being prepared. Those are on Monday 14:00-15:30 and Tuesday 15:00-16:30 (CET). Sessions typically will have the following format: short introductory talks by experts in the field, followed by a moderated discussion (with questions, statements and/or polls).

The following sessions are being prepared. With the distribution of participants, the indicated preferences will be taken into account as much as possible.



Tritium supply and production strategies Might tritium limit the development or upscaling?

Materials for fusion - Anything structural, functional, breakable

Plasma, turbulence, MHD, stability What's new in the oldest fusion topic

High Performance Computing FLOPS, racks, nodes, sockets, cores, cycles

Decency in the fusion community Ideas for a Code of Conduct Towards Others 


Energy system and economics How would fusion fit in an energy market

Fission-Fusion interface  - A joint networking session with ENEN PhD students

Startups in fusion Dreams, realism, strategies, timelines

Neutronics & IFMIF-DONES No charge!

Fusion outside of the energy market Other (peaceful) potential applications of fusion