June 27, 2022 to July 1, 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
For more information on this conference, please visit: https://epsplasma2022.eu

The 48th European Conference on Plasma Physics (2022) will be held as an online meeting from June 27 to July 1 2022. This annual conference covers the wide field of plasma physics including magnetic confinement fusion, beam plasma and inertial fusion, low temperature plasmas, and basic, space and astrophysical plasmas.

Please find:

Looking forward to welcoming you in our online conference environment.

The Organizing Committee
DIFFER (Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research)
TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology)
UM (Maastricht University)


For more information on this conference, please visit: https://epsplasma2022.eu/