Opening day
Submission deadline
Abstracts should be submitted by the presenting author.
To facilitate document preparation, it is recommended that authors use the following templates:
- WYSIWYG text editor users: template in RTF format
- LaTeX users: LaTeX class file, LaTeX sample file, sample pdf format figure
Paper Format
Number of pages 1
Page size A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm)
Page margins 2.5 cm on all 4 sides, gutter 0.0
Fonts Times, Symbol
Font size 14 pt (title), 12 pt (main text), 10 pt (figure captions, references)
Line spacing 1.5 lines (21 pt)
Title of paper Centred alignment, bold font 14 pt
List of authors Centred alignment, normal font 12 pt, presenting author underlined, e.g. M. First1, N.N. Second2
Author affiliations Centred alignment, italic font 12 pt, e.g. 1Institute, City, Country
Body text Justified alignment, normal font 12 pt
References 10-point font, 1.5 line spacing
Figure captions 10-point font